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Streamline Monthly Payment Quoting

Put a monthly payment option on every quote with the GreatAmerica and D-Tools integration

Monthly Payments Made Simple

Stay in the system you use every day for quoting and proposing, and include a monthly lease payment on your quotes. 

The integration uses real-time lease rates to calculate monthly payments to fit the terms and purchase options you choose. Those terms are customizable for each of your client’s quotes, and can include your SLA monthly payment to present a AV as a Service-like solution. 

With this integration you can do the following:

  • Quote multiple finance options
  • Place monthly payments on proposals
  • Bundle hardware payment & SLA monthly payment

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Make Your Quotes Easy to Say “Yes” To

One mistake Solution Providers make is overlooking the impact of what you chose to include, or not include, on a quote. This eBook reveals three simple updates to make your quotes more appealing and easier for your customers to say “yes” to.

Download eBook

About D-Tools, Inc.

D-Tools is a worldwide leader in accessible, highly accurate business software that caters to the unique and diverse needs of systems design and installation firms. The company’s on-premises software, System Integrator™ (SI), and new cloud-based platform, D-Tools Cloud, are robust solutions that help manage all aspects of an integrator’s business, including sales, comprehensive system design, project documentation, procurement, and project management. Today, more than 6,000 companies in over 80 countries use D-Tools’ award-winning software to streamline business processes, leading to improved operational efficiencies and increased profitability.

Request a Demo

Want to see this tool in action, and start quoting monthly payments? Let us know who you are below, and we’ll schedule a demo.