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How a Bundled Strategy Helped All Makes Office Equipment Co. Increase Revenue and Margins by over 20%

Alan Fredricks, Vice President/Treasurer of All Makes Office Equipment Co. has seen a positive impact on his operations after incorporating bundling and integrations into his strategy.

Case Study: All Makes Office Equipment Co.

“Adopting a bundled approach has made things so much easier, not just for our customers, but for us as well. Bundling has allowed us to incorporate necessary annual escalations with ease, ensuring we are able to maintain our high level of service as the cost of doing business continues to rise.”

Alan F - All Makes Office Equipment Co
Alan Fredricks, Vice President/Treasurer All Makes Office Equipment Co.

The Challenges

All Makes Office Equipment Co. faced a number of challenges relating to the experience they were providing to their customers and inefficiencies in the billing and invoicing process.

Customer Confusion in the Billing & Invoicing Process

Prior to bundling, customers would be billed for equipment, services, and supplies on separate invoices, often lengthy in nature, with overages charges broken down in a way that was challenging to interpret. Having to pay on multiple invoices was time consuming and resulted in customer frustration.

Suffering Margins

By breaking out the price of their equipment from their services and supplies costs, All Makes Office Equipment Co. was exposed to the competitive pressures to whittle down the price of their services and supplies, which ate away at their profitability.

Time Consuming Billing & Invoicing

All Makes Office Equipment Co. previously handled the billing and invoicing for all equipment, services and supplies in-house. Administering payments and helping customers understand invoices was a time consuming and frustrating process.

Spending Time & Energy Collecting on Accounts

Calling and collecting on past due accounts was an exasperating process and payment delays hindered cash flow.

Creating Greater Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction through Bundling and the GreatAmerica Integration with ECi™ e-automate®.

By adopting a bundled approach and getting set up the GreatAmerica e-automate technology integrations, All Makes Office Equipment Co. sought gains in profitability, efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Automating Meter Collection

The Enterprise Servicer Network (ESN) Meter/Invoices functionality allows GreatAmerica to automatically collect meters on behalf of All Makes Office Equipment Co. While it pulls those meters, it also collects the invoice numbers, enabling them to use the ESN Cash Posting integration.

Automatic Cash Posting

This daily routine posts cash received by GreatAmerica and then remits the amounts directly into All Makes Office Equipment Co.’s bank account. A list of any unmatched invoices is produced for an operations staff member to review, which saves them significant time and cost.

Bundling Equipment, Services & Supplies

All Makes Office Equipment Co. began bundling their equipment, services, and supplies into a single monthly cost as a means to improve the customer perception of their product offering. Doing so also allowed them to take advantage of our back office offerings. All Makes Office Equipment Co. now delivers their customers a single invoice with service rolled into one agreement.

The Results

Between adopting a bundled approach and leveraging the GreatAmerica ECi™ e-automate® technology integrations to bill, collect, and pass-through service money, All Makes Office Equipment Co. realized the following benefits:

  • Higher customer retention
  • Reduced administrative expense
  • Increased cash flow and margins
  • Growth in the enterprise value of their business
  • Improved customer satisfaction

Let's look at the numbers:

  • Margins increased by over 20%
  • Revenue grew upwards of 20%
  • Customer retention grew to over 90%

"Combined with using ECi™ e-automate®, we have seen a major time savings, empowering us to be much more competitive"

-Alan Fredricks, Vice President/Treasurer , All Makes Office Equipment Co.


About All Makes Office Equipment Co.

A century after its founding, All Makes remains family-owned and just as committed to moving business forward today as it was then. They now offer state-of-the-art office technology products and solutions, advanced design and management services, and a wide array of furnishings and fixtures for offices and industries in all 50 states, Canada and overseas.

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