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Xcel Office Solutions Works Smarter with Technology Integrations

Michael Reid, CEO of Xcel Office Solutions, has seen a positive impact on his operations after implementing the ECi ESN Meter/Invoices and Cash Posting Integrations with GreatAmerica.

“We are able to reallocate 25% of an admins time back to core tasks, helping us to spend our time building value in our company for our customers.”

mreid xcel -1
Michael Reid, CEO Xcel Office Solutions

What’s The Math on a 2 Hour a Day Time Savings?

Michael has seen significant improvements to his business. His senior administrative assistant has gained two hours back into her day everyday. What does that time savings look look like?

Great America
Time Savings
Great America
Hard Dollars Per Year

The Challenges

Xcel Office Solutions suffered from wasteful double-entry when it came to organizing their current lease portfolio invoice data.

Tedious and Time-Consuming Meter Uploads

As a company who regularly sold cost-per-copy finance agreements, the administrative process was beginning to take its toll on their business. In order to upload meters, they had to produce two files twice a week. This required a senior level administrative staff member to remember to process these files or risk missing critical invoicing dates. It was not an easy process and caused staff to spend their time in the wrong places.

Manual, Error-Prone Remittance Processes

When it came to remitting their invoices—that was another battle. They had to manually adjust their records against GreatAmerica records. This process was a nightmare when customers would short pay their accounts, causing Xcel admin staff to find discrepancies, which was like finding a needle in a haystack. Operations personnel were overwhelmed and were forced to use talented and tenured personnel for routine tasks.

Poor Reporting on Contract Profitability

Additionally, they didn’t have true contract profitability data so they weren’t able to make good business decisions. “If we were a month or month and a half behind on our books, we weren’t able to make good decisions on the fly when it came time to add or upgrade our contracts.”

Michael knew there had to be a better way. If his company was going to grow profitably, it was time to challenge his current, broken processes.

The Road To Greater Efficiency through GreatAmerica and ECi’s ESN Meter/Invoices and Cash Posting Integrations

Michael’s GreatAmerica sales rep, Matt Lacina, listened to his situation and introduced him to the ESN Meter/Invoices and Cash Posting Integrations GreatAmerica had in place. Michael was instantly eager to try, likely because of his company’s pain to date, but also because he was comfortable with technology, having earned an MIS degree in college. Matt knew that Michael used ECi e-automate as their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool, which made it possible for him to use this integration.

Automating Meter Collection

The ESN Meter/Invoices functionality allows GreatAmerica to automatically collect meters on behalf of Xcel office. While it pulls those meters, it also collects the invoice numbers, enabling a dealer to use the ESN Cash Posting integration.

Automatic Cash Posting

This daily routine posts cash received by GreatAmerica and then remits the amounts directly into Xcel’s bank account. A list of any unmatched invoices is produced for an operations staff member to review, which saves Xcel significant time and cost.

The Results

Nearly a year after he started using the GreatAmerica and ESN Meters/Invoices and Cash Posting integrations, Michael has seen significant improvements to his business. His senior administrative assistant has gained two hours back into her day, every day. This is a 25% time savings for an admin that makes $40,000 a year, which has added $10,000 per year back into the business.

“Thanks to our GreatAmerica integration, we are posting against our contracts instantly and now have true contract profitability data. This helps us make wise, calculated decisions as we create new opportunities, add or upgrade customers,” said Michael.

“My employees are happier because they’re not wasting their time doing data entry, but instead are spending their time in their core jobs helping the business move forward. Our sales reps are getting the administra-tive support they need and we’re seeing our profits grow.” Michael says that his financial team is even happier because they’re able to provide finance reports on time.

“I love the fact that we don’t settle. Together with GreatAmerica, we challenge the processes and find new ways to work smarter between us as partners,” added Michael.

About Xcel Office Solutions, Inc.

Xcel Office Solutions, Inc. is a full-service Technology Services provider in Oklahoma. They offer a combination of Xerox printers, copiers, scanners, and production equipment, other business technology products including Lenovo desktops and servers, and managed IT services on a fully integrated or supplemental basis to make it all work together smoothly. Xcel leader and CEO, Michael Reid is a driver for technology advancements within his business and within the industry. Michael is always searching for ways to make his business more efficient and has worked closely with GreatAmerica to develop our InteGreat Web Services.

How Can InteGREAT Help Improve Your Business Processes?

Your employees have more administrative work than time in the day. Shouldn’t technology do the heavy lifting and free your team up to focus on the tasks that drive business? InteGreat Web Services makes it seamless for you to interact with GreatAmerica while remaining in your primary business management systems.

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