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Advantage Technologies is a Champion of Standardization and Hassle-Free IT

Bryan Currier, President and Founder of Advantage Technologies, attributes a lot of his company’s recent growth to mastering the art of standardization and offering HaaR® through GreatAmerica.

Case Study: Advantage Technologies

“I personally resent you for not being a part of our life earlier.”

(Bryan sarcastically to Lee Rozeboom, VP of Sales, GreatAmerica)

Great America
Year-over-Year Growth
Great America
Years of Transacting Cash-Only
Great America
Growth since Implementing HaaR
Great America
Years Offering HaaR with GreatAmerica

“We’ve attributed a lot of our growth to standardization of pretty much everything that could possibly be standardized. GreatAmerica makes the process as frictionless as possible.”

  • Bryan Currier
  • President/CEO, Advantage Technologies
  • A.T. was founded in 2000
  • Currently 10MM in annual revenue
  • Multi-state coverage, HQ in Michigan

Advantage Technologies’ Journey to Implementing Hardware as a Service


Business Before an As-a-Service Model

Onboarding clients was tough. The equipment was so varied, calling for a great amount of manpower to onboard, install and troubleshoot each customer. We were fighting for a budget that customers simply didn’t have.


Business before GreatAmerica Financial Services

When we first started with an As-a-service model, our biggest mistake was trying to go it alone. We didn’t have a roadmap or an experienced partner to help guide us and share perspective. Having GreatAmerica during this time would have accelerated the implementation for us. We would have shaved a year off of our adoption process and saved some costly mistakes.


Life with GreatAmerica and HaaS

We decided to productize our offering. It is not just another form of financing. We gave it a name and a brand, and built everything around implementing it as our go-to-market strategy. We’ve found it is easier to get a GreatAmerica Hardware as a service deal done than it is for a customer to go to a bank and get financing. GreatAmerica helps make the sales process as frictionless as possible.

Are You Ready to Get Started with an As-A-Service Model?

Your story can be just like Bryan’s. With the help of a back-end partner such as GreatAmerica, you can design, build, and implement a standardized product and service stack through an As-a-service model. Leave the funding and financing to us.