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Help Desk Cavalry Accelerates Growth Through Hardware as a Service Alternative

HaaR® Enables Hardware, Software, and Managed Service Sales

From DIY HaaS to GreatAmerica HaaR

"There's not a chance we would be in the position we're in without the help of GreatAmerica."

- Steve Treanor, CEO of Help Desk Cavalry

Great America
Revenue Growth from 2016 - 2018
Great America
EBITDA $ Growth from 2016 - 2018
Great America
Projected 2019 Revenue Growth

Case Study: Help Desk Cavalry

An As-A-Service Growth Model

Help Desk Cavalry engaged with GreatAmerica in 2015 to take over their Hardware as a Service offering. Help Desk Cavalry’s growth was limited by the amount of cash on hand. When the opportunity to purchase a local IT company came up, they knew they had to make a change.

Today, Help Desk Cavalry credits GreatAmerica for enabling them to thrive with a competitive As-A-Service model.

Why Help Desk Cavalry Offers As-A-Service

Help Desk Cavalry CEO, Steve Treanor, implemented a traditional Hardware as a Service into their business after seeing a gap in the market.

“Competitors weren’t doing anything like that,” said Steve. “They were just working on broken equipment, getting paid for that. Every time it did break, they didn’t standardize.”

Help Desk Cavalry went to market with the concept that their clients would have the most supportable technology, so the hardware was a critical component. They would re-invest their cash into hardware for their clients, and rent it to them over the term of the managed services.

Why? Because HaaS made it easier for Help Desk Cavalry to standardize, and that promised more profitable Managed Services.

A Tough Call: Cash Flow Concerns with HaaS

“Before, I had to spend my money to make money,” said Steve.

Help Desk Cavalry was rolling along well with their Hardware as a Service offering. Their clients were largely adhering to the standards they set, and as a result they were seeing good profits on their managed services business.

So why did they make a change?

In 2015 Steve was presented with the opportunity to purchase a local IT company. At the same time, his largest customer was looking to refresh their technology. The problem: Help Desk Cavalry didn’t have enough cash to do both. Steve made the decision to purchase the MSP, and have their client work with several different providers to get the refresh done.

Transitioning from HaaS to HaaR

Around the same time Steve was maneuvering the acquisition of the competitor and managing the new sale to their largest customer, he met GreatAmerica. Steve was optimistic about scaling his As-A-Service offering.

“Hardware as a Rental looks pretty much the same to clients,” Steve says.

The difference is Steve gets paid upfront for the hardware and labor. Then, GreatAmerica invoices his customers every month for the total solution, including his managed services fees. The transition was fairly seamless for both Help Desk Cavalry, and their clients.

“New clients were funded through GreatAmerica, and when we had a refresh we would introduce GreatAmerica,” said Steve.

The Results of Help Desk Cavalry’s Hardware as a Rental Strategy

“Last year we grew at 33% and this year we are on target to grow more than 44%,” said Steve, “and GreatAmerica played a huge part in that.”

Service Leadership analyzed the growth of Help Desk Cavalry over the past two years of doing business with GreatAmerica, and found that Help Desk Cavalry grew their revenue by 50% over the past two years, and their EBIDTA dollars by 76%.

Steve says, “There’s not a chance we would be in the position we’re in without the help of GreatAmerica.”

About Help Desk Cavalry

Steve Treanor founded Help Desk Cavalry in 2013 to support the IT needs of businesses in Seattle, Washington.

About Help Desk Cavalry

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