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Webinar: Driving Efficiencies with Digital Credit App Entry

An Overview of SalesChain and GreatAmerica Integrations

Check out the recording below.

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What This Webinar Covers

Robin Fonck, Strategic Technology Analyst at GreatAmerica hosts Matthew Szczygiel, Client Success Manager at SalesChain, for a complete overview of their joint integration. Matthew will share a demo of the Digital Credit Application Entry process through the SalesChain CRM. Robin and Matthew will also share how GreatAmerica and SalesChain technologies and processes intersect to drive efficiencies and streamline workflows for their mutual solution provider customers. 

This webinar includes: 

  • An overview of the points of integration between SalesChain and GreatAmerica
  • Demos of key integrations, starting with the Digital Credit Application process, and followed by overviews of the Pass-Through Charges, Application Status, Lease Data Updates and Digital Signature Integrations 
  • An overview of the SalesChain Mobile App
  • A live Q&A session 

Robin Fonck
Director of Strategic Technology, GreatAmerica Financial Services

Matthew Szczygiel
Client Success Manager at SalesChain

Learn More about Our Integration with SalesChain

Our integration with SalesChain makes it possible to stay in the system you use every day for quoting and proposing. Thorough our collaboration, you can include a monthly lease payment on your quotes and use real-time lease rates to calculate monthly payments to fit the terms and purchase options you choose.

Learn More
