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Grow Your As-A-Service Offering with Hardware as a Rental®

A single invoice solution for your hardware, software, installation, and managed services.

What is HaaR®?

HaaR® combines the best attributes of Hardware as a Service and equipment financing. HaaR® gives your customer a one-invoice solution for all hardware, software, installation, and recurring service charges. The best part? It keeps you from investing your own cash and the risks associated with traditional Hardware as a Service. HaaR® is better for you and better for your clients.

Watch this video to see how Hardware as a Rental® works!

Solve Your Customers’ Technology & Budget Needs

Customers expect total solutions that are simple to consume. Give them the products and services you provide in a tidy monthly payment package. How does it work? We pay you for the upfront costs of the project, and bill the client monthly. Your managed services dollars are bundled into our invoice for a simple solution for your clients.

Watch this video to see how Hardware as a Rental® works!

Why Should You Choose HaaR®?

Easier to Sell

Increase the close rate on your deals, and get two sales in one: hardware and services.

Improve Cash Flow

Improve your cash flow, whether your customers are buying products with cash, or you are using your cash for HaaS.

Predictable Refreshes

Create a monthly technology budget for refreshes as predictable as your managed services.

Improve Service Efficiency

With more clients standardized, you can provide a better customer experience and improve your service efficiency.

Why Your Customers Like HaaR®?

HaaR® is good for you, and for your clients! Here’s what technology buyers tell us is important.

What is the difference between HaaR®, HaaS, and Leasing?

Ever wonder what the differences and similarities are between Hardware as a Rental®, Hardware as a Service, and leasing? This article breaks down how each is the same and different, with a handy matrix at the bottom.

Learn More

HaaR® Marketing Toolkit

Not sure where to start? Leverage our pre-packaged marketing toolkit to get your Hardware as a Rental® offer up and running with a turnkey solution. 

Your toolkit includes: 

  • Description for your website, brochures and sales pitches;
  • Video for your website;
  • Brochure you can customize with your logo;
  • eBook on the hidden costs of technology; and
  • Email to send to prospects.

Get the Marketing Toolkit

Sell More Today!

Request a call to learn more about your options for offering monthly payments, or to build a custom finance program with GreatAmerica.