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Webinar: Selling IT with Technology Financing

With Nick Von Ahsen and Lee Rozeboom


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The importance of evolving into new technology offerings to meet the demands of your customers and bring in new revenue streams continues. Likewise, subscription models continue to dominate customers' buying behaviors causing sales organizations to reevaluate their strategies. Sales experts, Lee Rozeboom in our Connected Technology business unit and Nick Von Ahsen with our office technology group at GreatAmerica answer your burning questions in this Q&A formatted webinar on financing progressive technology to create a sustainable future for your business.

Get insight on:

  • What’s at stake for your company when your sales reps sell technology for cash
  • The importance of incorporating predictable tech refresh cycles
  • Financing options for progressive office technologies
  • Change management to benefit your company, your reps and your customers
  • Ideas for modifying behaviors, including compensation models