Digital signatures have become an integral part of business. They offer quick, safe, and easy solutions to get contracts signed wherever your customers are. It is time for your business to adapt to the technology of today, displaying your ability to meet customers’ needs and differentiate your business.
Doc-Ease is a free tool that is available to our customers to offer the option to digitally sign GreatAmerica documents, creating a simple, touchless experience. Here is what you need to know about using a digital signature platform to make it safer and simpler to keep business moving from anywhere.
1. Secure and Protect Customer Information
While the use of digital signatures is on the rise, there can still be some misconceptions around the security of signing digitally. Moving from the process of watching the documents getting signed in person to having the complete process done through email can seem a little strange to some. But there is no need to worry! The Doc-Ease digital signature platform has been designed with security and safety top of mind. Agreement documents are delivered to your customer through email where they verify their identity, sign the agreement with their time stamped signature, and securely send back to you. Signing digitally also assures that the paperwork cannot be lost, damaged, or altered.
2. Displays Technology Buy-In
Technology is a tool that drives innovation and process improvements. Utilizing the latest technology shows your customers that you are a leader in your market. By using a digital signature, you will demonstrate the benefit of technology so your customer can experience it firsthand. This enhances your brand as a tech-savvy vendor.3. Closes the Sale Faster
We are all challenged by distance; there will always be a need to conduct business across counties, states, or even broader geographies. When your business associates are spread out across the map, getting paperwork completed can be a hassle and when trying to close a sale, there is no room for inconveniences. Digital signatures help you close sales quickly, giving the customer the ability to sign the documents wherever and whenever as soon as they are ready to buy.
4. Reduces Expenses of the Sales Process
Digital Signatures cut down on the manual processes involved in closing a deal. You will eliminate the time it takes to prepare and send documents through traditional means. You might eliminate time-consuming, costly trips to go back to the office and get an agreement printed only to drive back to the customer location to get it signed. At the end of the day, you will save money on paper, postage, mailing supplies, and most importantly, time.
When Considering Digital Signature Platforms
It is important to keep in mind that not all digital signature platforms are created equally. Digital signature platforms that do not use a verification step can create security vulnerabilities and cause an agreement to be deemed void if the identity of the signer cannot be confirmed. The Doc-Ease platform includes tracking data to protect the validity of the contract.
As a savvy Solution Provider, you can use Doc-Ease to demonstrate how technology-forward your company is, improve your sales cycle, and enhance your customer relationships with flexible engagement. Learn more about Doc-Ease and get set up here.
GreatAmerica is the largest independent, family-owned national commercial equipment finance company in the U.S. and is dedicated to helping manufacturers, vendors, and dealers be more successful and keep their customers for a lifetime. GreatAmerica was established in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1992 and now has offices in Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, and Illinois. In addition to financing, GreatAmerica offers innovative non-financial services to help our customers grow.