A Day in the Life of Denise, an Account Resolutions Specialist
What's it like to be an Account Resolutions Specialist at GreatAmerica? Given our current work-from-home environment, my day begins by making a very short commute to my home office. After grabbing my water and logging in for the morning, the first thing I do is a quick scan through my email to see if there is anything that needs my immediate attention.
While every email is important - whether from a co-worker, our customer or an end-user – it’s crucial that I am able recognize urgency and prioritize accordingly. I also check my calendar to see if there are any meetings I need to attend for the day. Our team has a short meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I know what’s going on with our team and the company. In addition to that, I also have the opportunity to attend trainings that interest me and can help further my professional development. For me, it is important to take the time to develop and grow, and I am lucky to work for a company with aligning values.
Each Account Resolutions Specialist has a list of accounts that we work through each month. My goal is to get through two pages of my monthly list by 10 a.m. so I can get a productive start to my day. I make phone calls and send email to end users (lessees) and dealers when appropriate, and follow up on items with our leaders or other team members. I spend the morning working through my list and trying to solve any issues that will help my team reach our goals.
While working my list, I keep an eye on my email to see if any issues needing my immediate attention arise. Replying to requests within an hour and answering the phone within two rings are both expectations at GreatAmerica, so I have to adapt and change direction often.
At some point throughout the morning, my leader makes a daily phone call to check in. The leaders are great at keeping the culture of GreatAmerica strong, no matter the external circumstances. Together, we chat about our daily lives and anything we want to share, and then move to the business at hand. My leader will let me know if there is anything I need to do outside of my normal daily routine or any accounts that may need a little special attention.
I continue to make calls, send email and take inbound calls for my team, as well as rollover calls from other teams who need a little extra help. It is important to do the best I can to provide one call resolution. With every call, I try to help to the best of my ability, but if there are special circumstances or issues that are outside of my skill set, I reach out to a team member who can provide that resolution.
Training new employees is one of my favorite parts of my role as Account Resolutions Specialist. It is important for new hires to get exposure to the different teams, and start to familiarize with the team dynamic and role specifics. Getting to meet new hires and work on training them at any stage is really rewarding.
My afternoons are spent tackling accounts that may take a bit longer, so I can concentrate on resolving whatever issue may arise. Within my team, function, and the company as a whole, there is always time for fun and laughter. Though no two days are exactly the same, the atmosphere is exciting and motivating, and I feel really lucky to be a part of something where I am valued and my skills are needed for the success of the company.
Denise Crile
As an Account Resolutions Specialist, Denise works directly with past-due customers to understand their challenges and find unique solutions fit for their circumstances. She takes pride in playing a critical role in the success of GreatAmerica, while providing an exceptional customer experience. When Denise is not working, you can find her spending time with her daughters or at the gym.