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Finding a Purposeful Career in Customer Service Blog Feature

By: GreatAmerica on June 1st, 2021

Finding a Purposeful Career in Customer Service

Three Success Stories in the Account Support Role

Working at GreatAmerica isn’t just a ‘job’ – it’s a career. A career where:

  • You are encouraged to learn and grow with an organization
  • Your leaders are dedicated to helping you understand your passions and pushing you to reach your goals
  • You can achieve whatever you set your mind to

GreatAmerica strives to promote from within the organization so we are fortunate to choose from several people who have grown both within the Account Support function and some who have transitioned into other roles in the company. Here are three we chose to highlight.

Kris, Director of Account Support

It all starts with our very own Director of Account Support. Kris started as an Account Support Advisor 13 years ago serving as a front line customer service specialist. During his first five years, Kris supported multiple teams throughout the organization and was committed to taking care of our customers and their customers. While excelling in the role, Kris was able to improve his leadership and training skills by attending GreatAmerica University classes and assisting with the training of new hires. This made a seamless transition into Account Support Leadership. Kris has had the opportunity to hire, train, and coach our new front line team members. Through this coaching, he guides team members through the leveling process within the function and assists others to find their passion outside of Account Support. Either way, GreatAmerica and his team members benefit by placing people where their skills and passions align.

Sami, Account Support Floater

Another examples is one of our Account Support Floaters, Sami. Sami started at GreatAmerica five years ago on our field sales unit. She went through our two-step training process, which covers everything you need to know about the GreatAmerica culture, leasing, and how to handle your daily tasks. Sami was up and running in about a month, prepared for anything that could come her way. When she first started at GreatAmerica, she wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to do, but with the help from Kris and the other functional leaders, she found her passion within the Account Support Function. Sami set her goals to work her way through the Account Support Levels and into the Floating position. As of a year ago, Sami achieved that goal and is looking forward to tackling her next milestones.

Matt, Invoicing Solutions Specialist

The great thing about GreatAmerica, which we touched on previously, is that you don’t have to stay within the role that you were hired for initially. Similar to Sami’s story above, Matt started in Account Support in our field sales group. He provided excellent customer service and had a passion for GreatAmerica but had interests outside of the function. About a year and a half after starting at GreatAmerica, he began job shadowing with other support units and found an interest in our invoicing team. Matt put in a bid and was offered the opportunity to join their team. Matt’s passion for learning new things and finding efficiencies helped him earn a promotion to an Invoicing Specialist II and is now part of our Building Great Leaders Program.

At GreatAmerica, Your Journey is Yours

At GreatAmerica, we pride ourselves on ensuring we are hiring the right people for not only the role but for the company. This doesn’t always come from your education, but also your passion in helping others and desire to learn and grow. Just like Kris helping his team members grow and find their passion, his leader helped him as well. Kris has now been serving as the Director of Account Support for two and a half years, and he focuses on finding the right talent to ensure we, as a function, are working as efficiently as we can.

This thread of successful career paths is one of many within the GreatAmerica walls. Whatever goal you set your eye on, your leader(s) will be right by your side every step of the way.

Are you seeking a new journey? Check out our current career opportunities and take the first step to writing your own story with GreatAmerica.


GreatAmerica is the largest independent, family-owned national commercial equipment finance company in the U.S. and is dedicated to helping manufacturers, vendors, and dealers be more successful and keep their customers for a lifetime. GreatAmerica was established in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1992 and now has offices in Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, and Illinois. In addition to financing, GreatAmerica offers innovative non-financial services to help our customers grow.