At GreatAmerica, opportunities for upward mobility, career exploration, and individual achievement are everywhere. As long as you have the initiative to take on new challenges and the dedication to learn about the processes around you, the doors to your development are always open. With the support of leaders and peers alike, you have the power to drive your future and make an impact in your own unique way.
A company whose people feel empowered and encouraged to develop to their highest potential will be limitless in what it can achieve.
The important role of an Account Resolutions Specialist (ARS) and the many career paths that can stem from it is highlighted in the following stories:
Janice’s Story with GreatAmerica
“I’ve stayed within the ARS function throughout my tenure at GreatAmerica, enjoying stints on various teams across the company. Each change provided me additional exposure to our many programs and opportunities to expand customer relationships.
When it comes to my personal and professional development here, I live by the three words tattooed on my forearm: serenity, courage, and wisdom. In the 24 years I’ve worked for the company, I’ve learned to do my best to enjoy every moment with my team and know when I drive off the parking lot each evening: it was a good day working and a good day with friends. This is part of my serenity.
As for courage and wisdom, I like to fix problems and take on the projects that nobody has the patience for. Such projects have been opportunities to build my knowledge and show others what I am capable of accomplishing. When people witness this, I gain their trust and confidence – two things that are very important to me. With less tenured team members, I very much enjoy sharing what I know and helping guide their development.
I am not sure what my future looks like here. I didn’t expect to win a second Outstanding Achiever Award, so every day is a surprise. I like that! The main reason I am where I am is because people listened when I had something to say, cared for me as an individual, and instilled in me values like appreciation and hard work to realize my potential and really see what I am capable of.”
Janice Corsello, 24 years of GreatAmerica
Chad’s Story with GreatAmerica
“When I first began my career with GreatAmerica as an Account Resolution Specialist, my goal was to eventually move into Sales. I then realized how much I enjoyed being an ARS and the impact my role had on the company. After two years, I accepted an ARS leader role, mentoring other resolution specialists and helping them make a positive impact on their careers as well. Later in 2012, I took on the additional challenge of being a team leader, while still maintaining my duties as an Account Resolution Specialist leader, which afforded me in-depth insight into other functions and how they intertwine with the ARS role.
One of the most satisfying parts of my job is helping other team members achieve their career goals, whether that is progressing into leadership, leveling up within the function, or moving into other areas of the company. For example, the other two ARS leaders here were both my direct reports early in their career. Another example is Key Kain, who started out as an Account Resolution Specialist in the company, became a sales rep when I was a team leader, and is now one of our VP of Sales.
The main reason I am where I am is because I took control of my own future and went for what I wanted. With that being said, it would not have been possible without the direction and support I received from my leaders and co-workers who encouraged me and helped me along the way. Whatever the future brings, I plan on being with GreatAmerica for many more happy years to come.”
Chad Recker, 14 Years of GreatAmerica
Sue’s Story with GreatAmerica
“I started working as an Account Resolution Specialist at GreatAmerica in 1997. I’ve been in the role ever since, working on the Northeast team for 20+ years, until another group asked me to join their team because they needed a strong collector.
Did I think my whole career was going to be one function? No, I did not! There were opportunities that presented and times I considered going a different direction, but how can you walk away from something when you’re so good at it? I’ve seen a lot of people I trained that are now in other areas of the business, and that’s okay! People move into the ARS role, and people move out of the ARS role; you’ve got to find your passion and what role fits you best. Trust me when I say this, if you find something you really love, you won’t work a day in your life. Look at me, I haven’t “worked” for the past 24 years!
It took me a few years before I found my calling and realized I was making an impact. It took the team being short-handed for me to say, something has got to be done, and do what I do best. I’m not afraid to tackle any account on any team, and I’ve been instrumental on several teams these past couple months. There’s been times where had I not stepped in, the team wouldn’t have achieved their monthly objective. I’ve been the go-to person for years, even in our toughest times – the flood days, the recession, and now the coronavirus. To me, it is just business as usual, as it should and can be!”
Sue Homsey, 24 Years of GreatAmerica
As an Account Resolution Specialist, You Are Essential
Account Resolution Specialists are an essential piece of the puzzle. Whether it’s being a dependable team member or taking on the tough projects like Janice, leading a function or helping someone reach their career goals like Chad, or keeping that can-do attitude during the roughest of times like Sue, ARS's are an irreplaceable part of the GreatAmerica family.
Would you like to feel empowered to own your future and make an impact? Come check us out! The possibilities are endless.
GreatAmerica is the largest independent, family-owned national commercial equipment finance company in the U.S. and is dedicated to helping manufacturers, vendors, and dealers be more successful and keep their customers for a lifetime. GreatAmerica was established in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1992 and now has offices in Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, and Illinois. In addition to financing, GreatAmerica offers innovative non-financial services to help our customers grow.